Lotven, S. (2021). The Sound Systems of Zophei Dialects and Other Maraic Languages. Doctoral Dissertation. Indiana University.
Audio files avialable through CoRSAL: https://digital.library.unt.edu/explore/collections/ZYPLR/
Lotven, S. (2024). Tone in South Central Tibeto-Burman. Issues in South Central Tibeto-Burman (Kuki-Chin) Linguistics. Himalayan Linguistics.
Lotven, S., Berkson, K., Wamsley, J. C., Danaher, J., Van Bik, K., and Davis, S. (2019). The syllable in Kuki-Chin. Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics, 6(2). 1-28.
Publication website:https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/jsall-2019-2014/html
Lotven, S. & Ajibade, M. (2024, forthcoming). Morphology in Gengbe and Yoruba Ideophones. In C. Green & S. Lotven (Eds.) The Ghanian Linguistics Nexus. Language Science Press.
Chelliah, S. & Lotven S. (2024, forthcoming). From Source to Analysis: A Language Documenter’s Guide to Annotating Text. UNT Digital Libraries.
Berkson, K., Wamsley, J.C., Lotven, S., Chelliah, S., Van Bik, K., Champlin, S., & Sakhong, K. (2020). A developing community of collaboration in Indiana. In Migration, Displacement, and Higher Education: Now What? Palgrave McMillan.
Lotven, S. & Sung, Z. (2022) The Lawngtlang Zophei verbal complex. In Guha, I., Kidwai, S., and Schwarz, M. (eds.) Proceedings of (F)ASAL-10. (pp. 1-9).
Wamsley, J. Sakhong, K., & Lotven, S., (2020) Nuitah Zophei Swadesh list. Indiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Cultures 2(1).
Lotven, S. (2020) Some diachronic phonological changes from Proto-Kuki-Chin to Lutuv. Indiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Cultures 2(1).
Lotven, S. (2020) Lexical correspondences between Proto-Kuki-Chin, Hakha Lai, and six Maraic varieties. Indiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Cultures 2(1).
Lotven, S., & de Jong, K. J. (2020) Ultrasound Imaging of Gengbe Labial-Velar Stops. Indiana Working Papers in Speech Sound Articulation 1(1).
Lotven, S. (2020). Sound System Sketch of a Gengbe Speaker from Batonou. IULC Working Papers 20(1). 1-27.
Berkson, K., S. Lotven, P.H. Thang, T. Thawngza, Z. Sung, J. Wamsley, F. Tyers, K. Van Bik, S. Kübler, D. Williamson, and M. Anderson. Building a Common Voice Corpus for Laiholh (Hakha Chin) (2019). Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages: Vol. 2, Article 2. Available at: https://scholar.colorado.edu/scil-cmel/vol2/iss1/2.
Grano, T. & Lotven, S. (2019). Control of logophoric pronouns in Gengbe. In S. Lotven, S. Bongiovanni, P. Weirich, R. Botne, & S. G. Obeng (Eds.), African Linguistics across the Disciplines: Selected Papers from the 48th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (pp. 325–337). Berlin: Language Science Press.
Lotven, S. & Berkson, K. (2019). The phonetics and phonology of depressor consonants in Gengbe. In E. Clem, P. Jenks, & H. Sande (Eds.), Theory and Description in African Linguistics: Selected Papers from the 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, (pp. 249–268). Berlin: Language Science Press.
Lotven, S. & Berkson, K. (2019) A vowel space comparison of Tlawngrang Zophei and Lawngtlang Zophei. Indiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Cultures 1(1).
Lotven, S., Par, S. H., Wamsley, J. C., & Berkson, K. (2019). Hnaring Lutuv Swadesh list. Indiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Cultures, 1(1).
Lotven, S., Sung, Z., Wamsley, J. C., & Berkson, K. (2019). Lawngtlang Zophei Swadesh list. Indiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Cultures, 1(1).
Lotven, S., & Obeng, S. G. (2018) Nasality and the Gengbe syllable. In S. G. Obeng & C. R. Green (Eds.), African Linguistics in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of Paul Newman (pp.33-46). Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
Grano, T., & Lotven, S. (2018). Control, logophoricity, and harmonic modality in Gengbe desire reports. In R. Truswell, C. Cummins, C. Heycock, B. Rabern, and H. Rohde Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21 (pp.481-498). Edinburgh: Edinburgh Research Explorer.
Lotven, S., Berkson, K., & Van Bik, K. Vowel shift in Zophei, an under-resourced Tibeto-Burman language. The Fifth Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology. Dec 6-8, 2021.
Lotven, S. Vowel shift in Zophei. Oral presentation at Indiana University Linguistics Department Round Robin Research Profiles. October 2, 2020. Bloomington, IN.
Lotven, S. Some diachronic phonological changes from Proto-Kuki-Chin to Lutuv (Lautu). Invited oral presentation at Indiana University Field Methods, April 23, 2020. Bloomington, IN.
Berkson, K., Lotven, S., & Flego, S. (2019). Typologically rare phonetic and phonological phenomena in undocumented languages in…Indiana? Oral Presentation at the 21st Annual Midwest Phonetics and Phonology Conference, October 4, 2019, Milwaukee, WI.
Lotven, S. & Obeng, S. G. (2019). Nasality and the Gengbe Syllable. Oral Presentation at the 50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, May 24, 2019, Victoria, BC.
Berkson, K., Lotven, S., Thawngza, T., Sung, Z., Wamsley, J., Tyers, F., Van Bik, K., Williamson, D., Anderson, M., Thang, P. H., & Kuebler, S. Building a Common Voice corpus for Laiholh (Hakha Chin). Oral Presentation at the 3rd Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages, February 26, 2019.Honolulu, HI.
Haley, R., Lotven, S., Wamsley, J., & Berkson, K. (2019). Quantity, quality, both or neither? Vowel contrasts in Hakha Chin monophthongs. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1928-1928.
Par, S., Berkson, K., and Lotven, S. Literacy efforts in Lutuv. Poster presented at IU’s Summer 2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium, IU Bloomington.
Lutuv children’s books available here: https://suihnempar.wixsite.com/website?fbclid=IwAR1uq74D0BHQrhL2iELB_wb8WTVf0FtYITe6GM6BOFJFYquR0Y5-W_RszU8
Sung, Z., Lotven, S., and Berkson, K. The verbal complex in Zophei. Poster presented at IU’s Summer 2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium, IU Bloomington.
Hwang, Y., Lotven, S., and Berkson, K. Pitch accent and the three-way laryngeal contrast in North Kyungsang Korean. 177th Meeting of the ASA. May 2019. Louisville, KY. (Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1928-1928.)
Berkson, K., S. Lotven, P.H. Thang, T. Thawngza, Z. Sung, J. Wamsley, F. Tyers, K. Van Bik, S. Kübler, D. Williamson, and M. Anderson. Building a Common Voice Corpus for Laiholh (Hakha Chin). 3rd Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages. February 2019. Honolulu, Hawai’i.
Lotven, S. & Berkson, K. A vowel space comparison of Tlawngrang Zophei and Lawngtlang Zophei. Poster presentation at the 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, November 8, 2018. Victoria, British Columbia.
Berkson, K., Lotven, S., Wamsley, J., Sung, Z., Thang, P. H., Thawngza, T., de Jong, K. J., Kuebler, S., & Lulich, S. Kuki-Chin languages in Indiana: Investigating typologically rare sounds in a developing communmity of collaboration. Oral presentation at the 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, November 8, 2018. Victoria, British Columbia.
Hwang, Y., Lotven S., and Berkson K. Pitch accent and the three-way laryngeal contrast in North Kyungsang Korean. Poster Presentation at the 23rd Annual Mid-Continental Phonetics & Phonology Conference, October 5-6, 2018. Evanston, IL.
Lotven, S., & de Jong, K. J. Ultrasound imaging of labial-velar stops in Gengbe. Poster presentation at the 49th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, March 24, 2018. East Lansing, MI.
Lotven, S., Berkson K, Lulich, S., & Nelson, M. Ultrasound imaging of [d], [ɖ] and [g͡b] in Gengbe. Poster Presentation at the 48th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. April 1, 2017. Bloomington, IN.
Grano, T., & Lotven, S. Logophoricity and coreference constraints in Gengbe attitude reports. Oral Presentation at the 48th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. March 31, 2017. Bloomington, IN.
Grano, T., & Lotven S. Control, logophoricity, and harmonic modality in Gengbe desire reports. Oral presentation at Sinn und Bedeutung 21. September 2016. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Lotven, S., Berkson K. Depressor consonants in Gengbe: A phonological and phonetic survey. Oral Presentation at the 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. March 24, 2016. Berkeley, CA.
Lotven, S., Berkson, K. The consonant-tone connection in Mina: Do voiced consonants trigger lower tone?. Poster Presentation at the Mid-Continental Phonetics & Phonology Conference (MidPhon). September 11, 2015. Bloomington, IN.
Nelson, M., Berkson, K., and Lotven, S. Phonotactic Frequencies in Marathi: Data from the EMILLE Corpus. Poster Presentation at the Mid-Continental Phonetics & Phonology Conference (MidPhon). September 11, 2015. Bloomington, IN.
Lotven, S. The split margin in Mina loanwords and reduplication. Oral presentation at IU Linguistics Department Advanced Phonology Presentations. April 28, 2015. Bloomington, IN.
Lotven, S. Tone sandhi as a diagnostic for the morphological status of reduplication in Mina. Oral Presentation at the 46th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. March 26, 2015. Eugene, OR.
Lotven, S. Morphemic fission: The case of Korean sai-siot. Poster Presentation at the IU Linguistics Department Alumni Weekend. October 10, 2014. Bloomington, IN.
2024, forthcoming Editor, The Ghanaian Linguistics Nexus, with C. Green. Language Science Press.
2020: Associate Editor, Indiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Linguistics Vol. 2(1), with K. Berkson (Ed.) and J. Wamsley
2019: Associate Editor, Indiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Linguistics Vol. 1(1), with K. Berkson (Ed.) and J. Wamsley
2019: Editor, African linguistics across the disciplines: Selected papers from the 48th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, with S. Bongiovanni, P. Weirich, R. Botne, & S. G. Obeng
2017: Editor, IULC Working Papers Vol. 17(1), with K. de Jong (Ed.), P. Weirich, Y. Zhang, & S. Bongiovanni
2017: Associate Editor, IULC Working Papers Special Volume 17(6): Reissue of Innovations in Linguistic Education, Volume 5, with A. Bunger (Ed.) P. Weirich, Y. Zhang, E. Raynor, A. Parker, and S. Bongiovanni
2017: Associate Editor, IULC Working Papers Special Volume 17(5): Reissue of Innovations in Linguistic Education, Volume 4, with A. Bunger (Ed.) P. Weirich, Y. Zhang, E. Raynor, A. Parker, and S. Bongiovanni
2017: Associate Editor, IULC Working Papers Special Volume 17(4): Reissue of Innovations in Linguistic Education, Volume 3, with A. Bunger (Ed.) P. Weirich, Y. Zhang, E. Raynor, A. Parker, and S. Bongiovanni
2017: Associate Editor, IULC Working Papers Special Volume 17(3): Reissue of Innovations in Linguistic Education, Volume 2, with A. Bunger (Ed.) P. Weirich, Y. Zhang, E. Raynor, A. Parker, and S. Bongiovanni
2017: Associate Editor IULC Working Papers Special Volume 17(2): Reissue of Innovations in Linguistic Education, Volume 1, with A. Bunger (Ed.) P. Weirich, Y. Zhang, E. Raynor, A. Parker, and S. Bongiovanni
2016: Associate Editor, IULC Working Papers Vol. 16(1), with S. Bongiovanni (Ed.), K. de Jong (Ed.), V. Filimonova, P. Weirich, J. Washington, & Y. Zhang.
2020: COVID-19 informational materials in Hakha Lai. Ongoing effort to translate COVID-19-related materials into Hakha Lai. Community organizations pass requests for information on to our team. All materials are hosted online at https://www.chinlanguages.org and are disseminated via social media.
2018: Laiholh component of Mozilla’s Common Voice Project. Available at https://voice.mozilla.org/cnh.
2017: Berkson, K. H., Lotven, S., de Jong, K., & Lulich, S. 3D/4D Ultrasound Imaging of Labial Velars. Open Science Framework resource. Available at http://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/XS547.